Tuesday, March 14, 2017

On "Change"

When you said, "I went to the poll, because I just wanted some change," I suppose you had wanted the status quo to be different.  By "change" you meant difference, but the difference must be clearly defined, either difference for the better, or difference for the worse.  Be specific, "change for the better," or "change for the worse"?  You have made a choice, and the consequence is laid bare.  Better or worse, for your own self and for others?  You now must be able to tell me, if you have enough decency and courage to do so.   
Do not dream any more.  Do not fool yourself.  Be specific.  Be critical.  Be analytical.  Re-examine your words and your deeds.  Willy-nilly you always have a responsibility to yourself and others.  You have a critical role in making the change yourself.  Actually, you ARE the change yourself.