Saturday, June 6, 2015

Good Food

The topic of good food spreads its tentacles far beyond cooking methods, food processing, farming methods and soil analysis into the murky world of politics, corruption and the genetic modification of seeds.   (p. 158)

We are not only linked to other living creatures, but we are also totally dependent on rocks being eroded to release minerals to feed the soil.  These rocks (and thus you too) ultimately come from outer space.  All the chemical elements in the periodic table...are manufactured deep in space in dying stars....All life as we know it began in the furnace of dying stars.  Dying stars form the whole chemistry set of life.   (p. 158)

Good food demands minerals, microbes, water, air, and a healthy soil [If the quality of the soil is poor, then the quality of the produce will be poor, irrespective of the method of farming....Farming is 90% soil (p. 162-163).  Good food is more than simply eating natural foods over processed foods; more than the pure physical value of food.  Good food has emotional and spiritual energy as well.    (p. 165)
All the atoms making up your body are largely pure energy, which is collectively called your energy field.  This energy field can be altered by the energy field of another human being... it can also be altered by food.  Food has the ability to affect your mood and your spirit in much the same way that anyone or anything else in your environment can.   (p. 166)

The secret of keeping your body healthy is to eat less....Eat only when you are hungry and eat only small meals....Never eat to the point of feeling a sense of fullness.   (p. 170)

In 1996 Jody Scheckter bought a farm in Hampshire, about 40 miles from London.  [the term "organic" farm (first created ?) ]   (p. 158)

Brixfractometer (refractometer) is used to measure the ripeness of all fruits and vegetables.  It measures the solid content of the juice (sugar, vitamine and mineral content of the juice).  A fruit or vegetable grown on poor soil will give a low reading, whereas one grown on good soil will have a much higher reading.

Biological transmutation: a process whereby one element can change into a different element to facilitate the body.    (p. 180)

Epigenome: The receptors on the DNA and protein.  The major factor in determining whether I will or will not develop asthma [for example] is epinome, not the genome or DNA.. ..  The major environmental factor affecting the epinome is your diet.  This will play a significant role in determining which diseases you will get.  Thus, environment, and particularly nutrition, plays a key role in both disease prevention and disease development.    (p.177)
The epigenome is changing all the time in response to messages or signals [which] come from inside the cell, from cells close by, and from your environment.

Epigenetics:  an important field of science and medicine.  It is now showing how all parts of the body are connected and how each cell is aware of what is happening outside your body in the environment.  It is also showing how important diet and stress is affecting or altering the epigenome. 

John McKenna, Good Food: Can You Trust What You Are Eating? (Gill & McMillan, 2013).