Friday, November 22, 2013

Happily Practicing the Way (Tao) While Living in the Mundane World - Part VI

The Sixth Paragraph
 True!  Practicing to dwell in the unattached mind, you are naturally on the right Way.  Purifying the three karmas (bodily action, speech, and thought) to have peace in you body and mind, until you attain oneness of mind; then you will be able to understand the Patriarchs’ teachings thoroughly.  Trapped in words and ideas, the Buddhist practitioner will get lost, and feel very lonely.  Once realizing the truth and thoroughly understanding the fundamentals, those who chose to become monks and nuns need to be skillful and solid.
Observing duality and non-duality, one sees that things may go through a strainer, but not through a ladle.Studying the Theravada Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhism, it is true that sometimes one needs a strong rope to hold coin money** together, but at other times, one may use threads made from silk to weave the water container to get water.   
Clearly realizing the shining true mind, one is never doubtful about the capricious weather-like causes and effects.  Cleaning one’s own mind mirror (self-reflection), one is never influenced by the senses and their disturbing and distracting reflections.
Crude gold must go through metallurgical processes several times.  When one is not pursuing fame and interest, one lives happily with  simple things in life.  Maintaining a noble pure mind, and having moral and skilful behaviors, then one’s authentic Bodhisattva expressions naturally shine.  Loyal to the king (the nation), and dutiful to one's parents, one is always a noble person in behavioral expressions.  When one practices meditation, one should live in close vicinity to skillful Dharma friends and practitioners.  One may have to sacrifice one’s own body and life to express appreciation on their behalf.  When one learns the Way from a Master, one’s gratitude could be expressed with one’s own bones and brain.***

(to be continued)

* Symbolic meaning: seeing the whole, not seeing separate entities.
** Symbolic meaning: various tools or means to serve the ultimate purpose.
*** Symbolic meaning: complete, selfless, and ultimate sacrifice