Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happily Practicing the Way (Tao) While Living in the Mundane World - Part II

The Second Paragraph
We should know that the most important thing to do is to cultivate an unattached and peaceful mind; no other Way (Tao) is better than that.  Maintain or dwell in the clear mind so as to have peace and joy.  Trying to prevent mind disturbances (thoughts) is useless, for thoughts continuously arise.
Transcending the concepts of “I” and “others” unveils the true nature of the (solid/unchanged) diamond mind; transforming greed and hatred reveals the perfect and noble enlightened mind.  The Pureland is our true pure mind; no need to ask whether there is any Pureland elsewhere in the West.  Amida is our shining nature; no need to search painfully for any Paradise elsewhere.  Observe one’s own body and mind in order to attain peace and joy for oneself, and not to show off one’s practice to others pretentiously.  In face of Permanence the Evil, observing precepts and ethics with discipline is not a matter of barter or trade!  Eat plain vegetables and fruits, and never mind bitter or unpalatable foods.  Wear only rough cloths while never bothered about the colors of what one is wearing.   As long as one lives an ethical life, one feels more contented with half of a small tent than the whole palace in the Paradise.  Once one is happy with one’s good deeds, then even living in a hut covered with three tiles, one feels much better than dwelling in a huge mansion.

(to be continued) 
