Saturday, June 2, 2018

In Search of True Happiness

Only in solitude and tranquility can one find true happiness.  And only the wise can find happiness in solitude and tranquility.  This is a truth that one can attain with one's own experience.

All images or forms captured by the eyes, sounds or noises entering the ears, fragrance or odor detected via the nose,  tastes or flavors perceived by the tongue, texture or sensation felt by touching or skin contact, and all thoughts or mental images should be viewed as uninvited, unwelcome and disturbing visitors.  Ignore their presence in your search for true happiness in solitude and tranquility.

Ignore what is in the news.  Discard what you have accumulated, be it your knowledge or your possessions, even all relationships in life.  Let them go.  They all are interfering noises that disturb you in your search for true happiness.