Friday, November 20, 2015

Blood, Flowers, and Candles

How many more times
before there is no more bloodshed?
No more candles and flowers
laid in street corners and over the dead!

How long will it take
before couples can stroll hand in hand
leisurely along the Seine?

How long will it take
before tourists may climb up the Eiffel
and have a glimpse of the sparkling marble
of blues revolving beneath?

How long will it take
before children can feed white doves
near fountains in public squares
without fear?

I cover my ears.
Day and night
are the deafening echoes
of screams and sirens
of bombs and grenades.

"I thought they were firecrackers
for New Year celebration!"

I cover my eyes.
Everywhere I look,
I see blood-red fireworks
in the shapes of “Equality, Liberty, Fraternity”
“Marxism”, “Communism”, “Nazism” ,
"Islam”, “Christianity”, “Buddhism”
“Allah”, “God”, “Christ", “Buddha"
falling apart!

Let me arrange flowers beautifully
and light up candles
for the temple shrine in my heart
to worship Peace.
Let me pray for the giant marble
dying but still revolving
day and night.

Let me pray for the vanishing Amazon rain forests,
the drying-up corn fields in Sub-Sahara,
the dying coral reefs in Australia,
and billions, billions of fish
with their white bellies up,
floating along the shores.

Let me pray
day and night
it is too late.

November 13, 2015


Heartbreaking Video Of Father Explaining Paris Attack To Young Son

"For he today that sheds his blood with me / Shall be my brother" (Shakespeare).

The beings who inhabit the physical universes are not just caretakers of their environment.  They also help create their worlds, and their moral status may determine the fate of their world system. (Buddhist thinking on ecology)