Friday, January 10, 2014

Honesty - Part IV

As long as one is engaged in the mundane world, busy interacting with others and striving hard for one's sustenance and comforts, one may have to rely on one's will to overcome traps or to tactfully disguise oneself to avoid being looked down by others or fooled by frauds.  However, if one realizes what true happiness is, and what is the ultimate and noble goal to attain in life, one would dedicate most time dwelling in one's true mind, and refuse to chase after fleeting dreams, or to do harms to the precious seeds in one's mind.  The reality, one is well aware, is that what is built upon vanity and dishonesty does not last long, and will become huge obstacles against interconnectedness.
The supreme art of living is therefore not that of molding or disguising one's mind according to some models or guidelines.  Instead, it is the art of true mind training.  What we need to do is to observe the mind all the time in a calm and gentle way, then the result will emerge naturally.  That way happiness is within our reach, and we won't have any laments, discontents or complaints about our failure to conquer our bad habits.  Living with the true mind is the way of life followed by the wise and those who don't find any values in life's colorful but vain and insignificant drama.......
