Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Century's Problems

Twenty-first-century inhabitants of the planet earth are facing some critical problems, which, if not solved collectively and as soon as possible, may result in the destruction of life and "civilization" within some decades or even sooner.

First, human population is increasing while natural resources are running out on earth. In many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia, poor people lack drinkable water, clean air, safe foods, and arable land to sustain their daily life. They have to sell their bodies or body organs, their own little children, and old parents in exchange for basic needs for food, water, and a shelter.

Second, conflicts over the use and misuse of the remaining natural resources on earth arise between countries which used to be good neighbors sharing the same natural resources such as rivers, lakes, some parts of a sea, or mountains.

Third, within a country the gap between the rich and the ruler versus the poor and the ruled is growing so fast and so unimaginably wide that it causes protests and uprisings which lead to political and economic turmoils.

Fourth, conflicts between groups from various social, political, and cultural backgrounds, and differences in race, religion, sexual orientation have become more and more intense as the pie is getting smaller and smaller.

Fifth, climate change and the dwindling of habitable land cause huge migration waves from one country to another. These worsen the host country's internal problems and turmoils, and intensify the conflicts between groups sharing the same limited resources.

How can these problems be solved?

According to Buddhism, such problems arise because of greed, hatred, and ignorance, but they can be solved by and only by:

1. Non-violent methods or measures, and through education,

2. Everybody's efforts, collectively,

3. Everybody's spiritual transformation, through the cultivation of the right view (with wisdom, one sees the reality as it is with its laws in action. The laws are interconnectedness, and interdependence, and causality), and through love, compassion, and tolerance.