Sunday, May 1, 2011


We usually think about leaders in political and business contexts. There are good and bad leaders in various settings and situations. Leadership in this discussion is used in a general meaning; thus, leaders can be the head of a family, a class president, an organizer of a community project or activity, a principal investigator in a research, or the director of any social, political, religious agency, and the prime minister or president of a country.

There are some characteristics which good leaders usually have in common:

1.They are usually good role models. Therefore, they can influence others with their words and actions, so that they gain others' support, or easily mobilize many people to serve their goals or some common cause.

2.They know how to understand(read the mind of) the people they are dealing with, and they know how to delegate responsibility to the right person.

3. They have a good and clear vision, and their flexibility is strategic, not opportunistic. They see the big picture, and are good at planning.

4. They have a very strong commitment to the goal they pursue, which reflects their strong will or determination. They are very persistent in hardship and adversities.

5. They follow up their plans so carefully and thoroughly that others may think that they are detailed oriented, or have a micro-management style.

6. They never stop learning, but always try to update their knowledge in various ways.

7. They are good listeners, keen observers, and firm executors.

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