Sunday, September 18, 2016

Life Purposes

Happy are those who have specific purposes to live in this world that seems to be full of disheartening incidents and events.  These people look quite different, and of course they act completely differently, from floaters --those who, unfortunately, cannot find any values or purposes to live on.  Because they have benchmarks and goals to accomplish every day, the former never waste a single moment of their life.  Life is so valuable, but too short for them.
To most Buddhists, to live is to learn, to practice the Dharma, and to be useful to oneself and others within one's capacity and life span.  What about pursuing personal happiness, and enjoying life pleasures?  It is part of life, but it certainly is not a goal or purpose to live by itself.  Rather, it is the byproducts of leading a fulfilled life of values.
(To be continued)