Friday, March 20, 2015

Tips for Intellectual, Emotional and Mental Health

1. Simplicity
Declutter your home and office.
Declutter your brain.

2. Avoid information overload
Let the Information Age work for you rather than allowing it to control your time and energy.

3. Unleash your creative thinking
Get out of your comfort zone.

4. Keep visualizing your goals.  This should be done at least once a day.  Stay committed to your aspirations and dreams. Use visualization to focus on your success.

5. Use affirmations
Use repeated statements of positive enforcement to support your goals:
"I am at peace."
"My mind is calm and relaxed."
"I will win."
Even if your are not sure whether these statements are true, ...let them do their work.

6. It's ok to fail
Persist, don't desist.

7. Forgiveness
Holding on to negative emotions does no one any good.

8. Don't underestimate yourself.
You won't know your talents and capacities without trying.

9. Laugh
Laughter has an amazing ability to improve overall wellness.

Sanjay Jain, Optimal Living 360: Smart Decision Making for a Balanced Life.   (Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2014), pp. 133-136