Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happily Practicing the Way (Tao) While Living in the Mundane World - Part X

The Tenth Paragragh
Listen: It is essential to recognize Emptiness; it is not important whether one has practiced for a long time or one was born with any special spiritual talents.
When one has attachments, one cannot get enlightened. That fact does not mean the methods the Patriarchs have taught are not effective. 
Since the understanding of the novice is partial, the Buddha had to use forms and appearances.  For those who are of higher spiritual levels, the success of their practice does not lie in whether they live on high mountain or in the city.
Living among the wilderness in primitive forests or on isolated mountains is the common practice of the hermit and the recluse.  Quiet temples and hidden huts are the sage’s favorite places. 
In spite of tall horses and big parasols, those who are so arrogant still have to be interrogated by the King of the Hell upon their death.  Having lived in gilded castles and jewel-decorated mansions, those who are rich but wicked still have to go to Hell.
Chasing after fame and interest, and pompous about the self are the mundane people.  Revering ethical values,and focusing on mind training definitely will lead to the noble wisdom.
Two horizontal eyebrows, a vertical nose; we are the same though different. A saintly appearance covering a worldly heart; there is a huge distance between the true and the untrue.
Living in the mundane world, let’s act in accordance with the conditions
When hungry, we eat; when tired, we sleep.
There are abundant jewels from within; stop searching outward.
Dwelling in the unperturbed mind in face of all phenomena; such is true Zen! 
