Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Preaching and Preachers

Very often religious preachers are judged by their appearances, even though people know very well that appearance is deceptive.  When you listen to a religious talk, the most important thing is the meaningful lessons you gain from the talk itself, and not what you enjoy from the preacher or his verbal ability and appearance.  Don't be fooled by such transient values.

Some preachers are charismatic, well-known, highly-respected, and very powerful to their disciples.   Do not judge any preachers by rumors or what others said about him.  Get to know him, live close to him and observe him for a long time before you draw any conclusions.

 It is hard to understand a person.  It is much more difficult and complicated to understand a religious preacher and master, or a spiritual leader.

The rule of thumb is: Never say any thing hastily, lest you should cause harm to yourself.

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