Tuesday, March 19, 2013

World Wars

Is there going to be another World War? Every day we hear about military and economic rivalries, rivalries for resources and influence, and allies planning on arms race as they are busy building up their armies and  navies, grasping all possible advantages.  Haven't we learned and suffered enough from World War I and World War II?

During World War I (which basically centered in Europe from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918), more than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized.  Over 9 million combatants were killed, largely because of technological advancements that led to enormous increases in the lethality of weapons.  In World War II (which was underway by 1939 and ended in 1945) the toll was between 40,000,000 and 72,000,000 deaths, and the majority of the people killed in the war were NOT soldiers. 

Modern warfare definitely has unimaginable consequences, and Einstein's prediction might prove right. There is a possibility that World War III could bring us back to the Stone Age.
