Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ten Noble Characteristics Which May Be Found in A True Spiritual Master

  According to the Mahayanasutralamkara, a true spiritual master usually possesses the following noble characteristics:

1.      Discipline (Following the precepts assiduously and diligently)
2.      Serenity/calmness
3.      Peacefulness
4.      Possessing more noble qualities than (His/Her) disciples
5.      Tirelessness/Indefatigability (possessing great efforts)
6.      Mastering scriptures/Possessing a wealth of knowledge about the Buddha’s teachings
7.      Sincere concerns for others/Loving kindness
8.      Possessing a thorough understanding of reality
9.      Skillfulness in teaching/training disciples
10.  Freedom from fear and frustration or despair


Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahayanasutralamkara) (Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences) by Lobsang Jamspal, Robert Thurman and the American Institute of Buddhist Studies translation committee. American Institute of Buddhist Studies. New York: 2004: ISBN 0-9753734-0-4

For more information, please go to “A True Buddhist Practitioner and/or Master” blog entry on February 28, 2012.