Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Problems of Digital Technology

Personal Privacy:
Since our personal data are continuously being collected for commercial and governmental purposes, our privacy is diminishing.  Once our personal information is on the web, it remains there forever.
Surveillance Technology:
Tiny cameras, microphones, and web tracking and recording where our cell phones are...all these continue to improve with exponentially decreasing cost of storage and processing.  Our lives are being recorded digitally with or without our knowing it.
We must be aware of potential cyber-attack and cyber-warfare at all levels, individuals, corporations, and governments.
It is now possible to make unlimited copies of digital material and distributed them throughout the world at no cost.  Copyright and fair use are being replaced by licensing, and digital rights management
With more and more computer devices controlled by software, how to protect the legitimate interests of innovators and researched patents?
Resource Allocation:
Those who already have the allocation (big telecom companies) have a great advantage.
With information traveling everywhere, business and social practices may be legal in one jurisdiction but illegal in others.
Individuals want to limit the control from governments and companies; but the playing fields are far from levels.


Brian W. Kernighan.  D  Is for Digital –What a Well-Informed Person Should Know About Computers and Communications.  Published by; 2011.  ISBN-13: 978-1463733896
ISBN-10: 1463733895