Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Before we can change the world, we must change ourselves.  The unit of change is the individual, not the world.  The world is not going to be better if its individual citizens are still ignorant (having a wrong view), greedy, and filled with hatred and violence.

Families, communities, organizations, countries, and the world in general, may get better if each member realizes his or her responsibilities toward him-/herself and others, and acts accordingly.  Right perceptions of oneself and the surrounding world are necessary for the individual to improve, and the family is the first place where the individual can start the life-long improvement process.  Since humans are social learners, the family must provide a good environment for its members to live and grow.  Parents are examples for children, and they should set good examples in their words and deeds.  If parents are responsible, their children will learn to be responsible, too.  What parents think, say, and do will more or less influence their children.  If parents smoke and drink, their children will smoke and drink sooner or later.  If parents are caring, their children will learn to be caring and considerate for others.  If parents are selfish and greedy, their children can hardly avoid falling into that selfish and greedy path.

Some parents say their children imitate bad behaviors from their friends.  This is true.  But the parents need to teach their children values, and guide them in choosing friends.  Again, parents must provide a good environment for their children to grow and thrive.   

There are other factors that influence the individual, such as karma, and natural propensity.  However, even karma is not fixed.  It may be changed.  Human intervention is very important in preventing bad results.  That is why mind and character training and spiritual development should begin early in one's childhood, and should be part of one's life-long learning and training.

I don't want to use the terms "religion" and "religious."  I prefer the term "responsibility" and "responsible," and "kindness" or "compassion."  The Dalai Lama says, "If you cannot help others, at least do not harm them."  As a family member and a human living on earth, everyone should be responsible and kind, not only to him-/herself, but also to others, and the common environment.