Wednesday, February 8, 2012


War is
A grave affair of the state;
It is a place of life and death,
A road
To survival and extinction,
A matter
To be pondered carefully.

A ruler
Must never
Mobilize his men
Out of anger;
A general must never
Engage [in] battle
Out of spite…

Can turn to
Can turn to
But a nation destroyed
Cannot be put back together again;
A dead man
Cannot be brought back to life.

So the enlightened ruler
Is prudent;
The effective general
Is cautious.
This is the Way
To keep a nation
At peace
And an army

Ultimate excellence lies
Not in winning
Every battle
But in defeating the enemy
Without ever fighting.
The highest form of warfare
Is to attack [the enemy’s]
Strategy itself;
The next,
To attack [his]
The next,
To attack
The lowest form of war is
To attack
Siege warfare
Is the last resort…

The Skillful Strategist
Defeats the enemy
Without doing battle,
Captures the city
Without laying siege,
Overthrow the enemy state
Without protracted war.

Feign inability
When deploying troops,
Appear not to be.
When near,
Appear far;
When far,
Appear near.

The victorious army
Is victorious first
And seeks battle later;
The defeated army
Does battle first
And seeks victory later.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated by John Minford. (New York, NY: Viking, 2002).
Henry Kissinger. On China. (New York, NY: The Penguin Press,2011).