Thursday, March 10, 2011


Superstition is the product of ignorance and a lack of self confidence and critical thinking. In some religious organizations there are usually some groups who take advantage of other people's ignorance, and who rely on superstitious practice to thrive on the latter's credulousness and blind beliefs. In its worst form, superstition may lead to self denial and irrational sacrifices to someone who has religious power or authority. Fanatical views arise when one loses self control, and accepts the control from others without knowing it.

Buddhism stresses the importance of "Right View," or seeing the reality as it actually is. Right View develops by meditation and wisdom. Even though there are multiple universes, some of which are not visible by human eyes, each person needs to live in this world, and to take care of the here and now first. Buddhists are supposed not to rely on any supernatural powers or deities. Hence, it is useless to pray for the happenings of the impossible. When you pour oil into a container of water, and try to pray day and night for the oil to sink to the bottom of the container, what is going to happen? It is just as impossible for the oil to sink as it is for Lady Macbeth to wash the blood off her hands. Such is her karma, the intentional action she has committed, and from it she has to reap its consequence in due time. No use to pray, no use to beg for help from others.

Responsible religious leaders and government authorities have to educate the poor and the unschooled to get rid of all superstitious practices. Law enforcers must stop those who live and thrive on others' false and blind beliefs. The only feasible measure is education, and law enforcement.

The multitude or the mob always need guidance; otherwise, they just blindly follow one another without realizing that they all are going in the wrong direction. They must be educated.

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